Michael Ende – Neverending Story and Momo (PDF)

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Two wonderful books by a German author Michael Ende.
The Neverending Story:
A mysterious book fascinates young Bastian: The Neverending Story. Full of enthusiasm, he takes part in the adventures of its hero Atreyu and in his dangerous mission: He is supposed to save the dreamland Phantásia and its sovereign the Childlike Empress. Soon, however, Bastian must realise that he is more than an uninvolved spectator. And then he finds himself suddenly in Phantásia ...
The adventure of his life starts: "Do what you want" is written on the medallion that symbolises limitless power in Phantásia. But what the sentence Means Bastian will learn only when it is almost too late. Because his real mission is not to rule Phantásia but to find his way out of it. But how do you leave a realm that has no borders?
With his immortal masterpiece Michael Ende has conquered the hearts of young readers – and those young at heart – all over the world. A fairytale novel for children and adults which up to this day has lost none of its fascination or unrivalled success.

Momo lives outside a big city, within the ruins of an amphitheatre. She owns nothing but what she finds or receives as a present but she has an extraordinary gift: She is a wonderful listener. One day, however, the grey gentlemen enter the stage The unkempt little heroine has nothing but a flower in her hand and a tortoise tucked under her arm to fight the vast army of the "grey gentlemen ".
It is the enigma "time" itself that this book is about, an enigma that fascinates thoughtful children and also adults who have not forgotten how to be astonished about things that appear normal. A fairytale? One could call it that if one understands the term In the sense of the Romantic Age. Day and dream flow into each other in a poetic way. Maybe something like a novel? Let's say: A fairytale-novel.

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